Wednesday, April 22, 2009

No More Blind Dates

There is the saying that "truth is stranger than fiction." Well, I believe it is true in many cases.

Let me tell you about my friend who has a talent for setting me up with the wrong guys.

It started a few years ago, when she set me up with a guy whom we will call John. We became friends and would talk each Sunday at church. Once in a blue moon, we would talk on the phone and sometimes even get together to do something as friends. Little did I realize that this friendship would introduce me to finding out what it is like to have a friend in jail... and later prison. After a lot of confusion, I finally chose to take a step away from this friendship and move forward in my life.

A couple of years ago, this same friend introduced me to a guy at one of her parties. We will call this guy, Dave. Shortly, after meeting, we began to date. In the beginning, he treated me well. Yet, it didn't take long before I learned about the other girls in his life. He would tell me that the other girls were only friends. Yet, when we were on a date, one of the girls would usually call him. Not only did he answer the phone and talk with her for an extended period of time, but he would also tell me to be quiet for he didn't want her to know that he was with a girl. Everytime I began to walk away from the relationship, he would start talking about marriage and how I am the most important girl in his life. I finally walked away for several months. Since we were in the same ward, we saw each other every week and eventually became friends. Even so, the same things would happen all over again. I finally walked away for good about 9 months ago. Shortly afterwards, he eloped and moved away. Occasionally, he will still send me a text message with a holiday greeting.... which I just delete. I haven't received a text for a couple of months now, so hopefully he is out of my life now.

Well, they also say that the "3rd time is the charm"... but not in this case. This same friend of mine was afraid to go on a blind date, so she asked me to go with her and make it a double date. Of course, I obliged. I was really uncomfortable with my date. Luckily, my friend had similar feelings and we didn't stay long. Since then, I have recently discovered that this guy has been arrested and is currently sitting in jail waiting for a trial.

Another popular saying is "3 strikes - you're out." With everything that has happened, I have decided that this friend is no longer allowed to set me up with guys anymore. It has definitely been an interesting ride!!!

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